AGU SCI 1: The Star Brotherhood (21 page)

BOOK: AGU SCI 1: The Star Brotherhood
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Ereppuet's shuttle touched down at the spaceport at Ogsnara twenty minutes later, and he immediately called for a driverless cab to take him to the tavern where Vyx was drinking.

When Vyx arrived back at the tavern where the team was waiting, he found them still spread out around the room. Perhaps it was the presence of so many unknown individuals and fear that their presence might presage some dangerous event, but the number of regulars seemed quite low. Vyx called his people together at a table as far removed from other patrons as possible.

"Did you see Lippaula?" Byers asked.

Vyx nodded.

"Did she confirm that she spread the word that there never was any bounty?" Brenda asked.

"Yes, and also that she was the one who started the rumor in the first place. It was as we speculated. The shipment was hers and she believed we needed a reason to get off the planet fast."

"She set us up?" Kathryn asked. "And risked all our lives?"


"Did you kill her?" Nelligen asked.

"I came close. I had my pistol out and aimed at her head. But I backed down."

"You probably wouldn't be here if you hadn't," Byers said.

"That's not why I didn't kill her."

"Then why not?" Brenda asked.

"I guess because of what she went through— what made her the way she is. But I told her that if she ever does anything like that again, she wouldn't survive another encounter with me."

"Think she got the message?" Nelligen asked.

"Yeah, I think I got through."

"Was she behind the other attacks?"

"She claimed not to be. She said the first was probably the Syndicate."

"Do you believe her?" Ursula asked.

"Yeah, I sort of believe her about the first attack. There was something about the way she denied it. I don't believe her about the other, though. I still think she wanted our ship, but I have no proof, and it actually could have been a third party. We'll keep our ears open for any similar attacks on other ships and perhaps we'll learn who's behind it. If it wasn't Lippaula, my second guess would be the Raiders."

"So what now?" Byers asked.

"Well, we just added a huge amount to our working funds. What say we take a couple of days off and relax. Who's up for a Tarlovo dinner?"

"Tarlovo?" Ursula said. "Ugh. Tarlovo is the worst thing I've ever eaten."

"But you haven't had it the way I prepare it," Byers said. "You'll think you died and went to heaven."

"I doubt it."

"Trust me," Vyx said. "You'll love it."

"I'd also like to get some Wernallo."

"Oh, double yuck," Ursula said.

"Don't make faces until you've tried it," Byers said. "We got the recipe for Wernallo from the same chef who gave Vyx the recipe for preparing Tarlovo. I'm going to assume it will be delicious."

"It's decided then," Vyx said. "We'll get some Tarlovo, Wernallo, and some fresh vegetables and head back to the ship for a couple of days of rest and relaxation. How's the ale situation, Nels?"

"We still have about twenty cases, and I've been keeping three cases iced up at all times."

"Great. Let's head out."

With Vyx in the lead, the group rose to leave the tavern. As Vyx stepped through the door, he saw a senior freighter officer standing on the sidewalk, facing the street. Vyx stepped past him to hail a cab.

Ereppuet had seen Vyx inside the tavern and waited outside for him to emerge, with his back to the entrance. As Vyx stepped past him, Ereppuet reached into his tunic and grabbed the hilt of the Kiressa. He lifted the sword free of his tunic and the sheath and was bringing it down when he heard someone scream, "Vyx, behind you!" Ereppuet had planned to plant the sword in a spot on Vyx's back where the curved blade would pierce his heart.

Despite Vyx's relaxed posture, his reflexes were lightening fast. He believed the danger could only be from the freighter officer he had just passed. As he heard the scream, he twisted and fell, reaching for his pistol as he went down.

Ereppuet couldn't believe the speed with which Vyx reacted to the simple warning, and his apparent understanding of the danger about to befall him. As the blade sliced downward, the tip entered Vyx's cloak, and ripped open a huge hole, but drew little blood.

As Vyx landed on his back, his pistol was in his hand and coming up to aim at his attacker's midsection. He had felt the blade pierce his body but didn't know the severity of the wound. It didn't matter; there was no doubt that the officer had intended to kill him. As his pistol reached the point where an Uthlaran's heart is located, Vyx pulled the trigger. The beam shot out with the speed of light and ended the life of his attacker.

Ereppuet stumbled backward in shock, his heart destroyed. He was fast losing consciousness, but he knew he had failed. It had never occurred to him that he might not be successful. If it had, he probably would have poisoned the blade, but he would never have a chance to do that now. It's doubtful he even felt the five laser shots that entered his body from behind as he stumbled backwards.

As Ereppuet collapsed into death, Vyx got to his feet. Looking down at the former captain, he asked, "Anybody recognize him?" The members of his team all shook their heads to indicate they had never seen him before while Brenda examined Vyx's wound.

"Probably someone who lost all his pay gambling at the casinos and was looking to get a new stake with a little bounty money," Nelligen said.

"He barely scratched you," Brenda said. "The blood has coagulated already. I'll put something on it when we get back to the ship.

"Thanks for your warning," Vyx said as he reached down and picked up the small sword where it had fallen, then reached into the officer's cloak and withdrew the sheath. Sliding the blade into the protective scabbard, Vyx used his foot to roll the body into the gutter where the body disposal truck could claim it. Before that happened, the local scavengers would probably strip the body completely.

"I'll always have your back, hon," Brenda said. "Say— didn't Lippaula just tell you she sent out word that there's no bounty— and never was?"

As he stepped over the body to hail an approaching cab, Vyx shrugged and said nonchalantly, "I guess this guy never got the memo."

~ finis ~



*** The exciting adventures of the SCI will continue ***




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This chart is offered to assist readers who may be unfamiliar with military
rank and the reporting structure. Newly commissioned officers begin at either
ensign or second lieutenant rank.

Space Command
Officer Hierarchy:

Admiral of the Fleet (5 Star)
Admiral (4 Star)
Vice-Admiral (3 Star)
Rear Admiral – Upper (2 Star)
Rear Admiral – Lower (1 Star)

Lt. Commander
Lieutenant(jg) "Junior Grade"

Space Marine Officer Hierarchy:

General (4 Star)
Lt. General (3 Star)
Major General (2 Star)
Brigadier General (1 Star)

Lt. Colonel
First Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant

The commanding officer on a ship is always referred to as Captain,
regardless of his or her official military rank. Even an Ensign could be a
Captain of the Ship, although that would only occur as the result of an unusual
situation or emergency where no senior officers survive.

On Space Command ships and bases, time is measured according to a
twenty-four clock, normally referred to as military time. For example, 8:42 PM would
be referred to as 2042 hours. Chronometers are set to always agree with the
date and time at Space Command Supreme Headquarters on Earth. This is known as
GST, or Galactic System Time.

Admiralty Board:

Moore, Richard E -
Admiral of the Fleet

Platt, Evelyn S. -
Admiral - Director of Fleet Operations

Bradlee, Roger T. -
Admiral - Director of Intelligence (SCI)

Ressler, Shana E. -
Admiral - Director of Budget &

Hillaire, Arnold H. -
Admiral - Director of Academies

Burke, Raymond A. -
Vice-Admiral - Director of GSC Base

Ahmed, Raihana L. -
Vice-Admiral - Dir. of Quartermaster

Woo, Lon C. -
Vice-Admiral - Dir. of Scientific &
Expeditionary Forces

Plimley, Loretta J. -
Rear-Admiral, (U) - Dir. of Weapons

Yuthkotl , Lesbolh -
Rear Admiral (U) Admiral, Director of Nordakian Forces Integration Section


Ship Speed Terminology:

- 1 kps

Sub-Light-1 -
1,000 kps

Light-1 -
299,792.458 kps or (
speed of light in a

150 c -
150 times the speed of light


Hyper-Space Factors:

IDS Communications Band -
.0513 light years each minute (8.09 billion

DeTect Range -
4 billion kilometers


Sample Distances:

Earth to Mars (Mean) -
78 million kilometers

Nearest star to our Sun -
4 light-years (Proxima Centauri)

Milky Way Galaxy diameter -
100,000 light-years

Thickness of M'Way at Sun -
2,000 light-years

Stars in Milky Way -
200 billion (est.)

Nearest galaxy (Andromeda) -
2 million light-years from M'Way

A light-year
- 9,460,730,472,580.8 kilometers (in vacuum)

A light-second -
299,792.458 km (in vacuum)

Grid Unit -
1,000 Light Yrs² (1,000,000 Sq. LY)

Deca-Sector -
100 Light Years² (10,000 Sq. LY)

Sector -
10 Light Years² (100 Sq. LY)

- 94,607,304,725 km²

- 946,073,047 km²


Mission Descriptions for Strategic Command Bases:

Strat Com 1 – Base - Location establishes it as a critical component of Space
Command Operations - Serves as home-port to multiple warships that also serve in
base's defense. All sections of Space Command maintain an active office at the
base. Base Commander establishes all patrol routes and is authorized to override
SHQ orders to ships within the sector(s) designated part of the base's operating
Recommended rank of Commanding Officer: Rear Admiral (U)

Strat Com 2 – Base - Location establishes it as a crucial component of Space
Command Operations - Serves as home-port to multiple warships that also serve in
base's defense. All sections of Space Command maintain an active office at the
base. Patrol routes established by SHQ.
Recommended rank of Commanding Officer: Rear Admiral (L)

Strat Com 3 – Base - Location establishes it as an important component of
Space Command Operations - Serves as homeport to multiple warships that also
serve in base's defense. Patrol routes established by SHQ.
Recommended rank of Commanding Officer: Captain

Strat Com 4 – Station - Location establishes it as an important terminal for
Space Command personnel engaged in travel to/from postings, and for re-supply of
vessels and outposts.
Recommended rank of Commanding Officer: Commander

Strat Com 5 – Outpost - Location makes it important for observation purposes
and collection of information.
Recommended rank of Commanding Officer: Lt. Commander


This map shows Galactic Alliance space after maps were redrawn following the end of hostilities with the Milori, and the war with the Tsgardi, Hudeerac, Uthlaro, and Gondusans. Unclaimed territories between the three regions were claimed in order to have one contiguous area. Regions Two and Three are so vast that exercising control and maintaining law and order has been largely impossible to this date.

The only purpose of this two-dimensional representation is to provide the reader with a basic feel for the spatial distances involved, and the reader must remember that GA territory extends through the entire depth of the Milky Way galaxy when the galaxy is viewed on edge.

.jpg and .pdf versions of the maps created for this series are available for downloading at:

should the names be unreadable in your printed or electronic media, or if you simply wish to gain a better overall perspective.

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