A Touch of Spring (6 page)

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Authors: Evie Hunter

BOOK: A Touch of Spring
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Her every nerve ending tingled. She shut her eyes against the coming storm. Her orgasm rolled out of nowhere and she rode the tide of sensation, crying out his name. Andy. Andy. Andy. He powered into her, slamming his flesh into hers. The tension in his jaw told her that he was close. His words were lost as he thrust home one final time and buried his face in her hair.

They lay in a shuddering tangle of sweating flesh and mingled breath. Roz held him tight, waiting for her racing heart to return to normal. She stroked his back, soothing the marks she had made, smiling when he shuddered with tiny aftershocks. They were still joined together when she drifted off to sleep.



Next morning, fed, showered, dressed in fresh clean clothes and feeling great, Roz couldn’t keep the smile off her face. That had been the most amazing night.

Maybe she should bump her head and lose her memory more often. The tingly impression of Andy as a sexy stranger, combined with the security of knowing he was her beloved husband, had been mind-blowing. Every touch had been at once familiar and the stuff of fantasy.

Even now, watching Andy as he took a sip of his hot chocolate, she had to pinch herself to believe that she was really married to him. She had a man who could look sexy with a blob of whipped cream on his nose.

She took a mouthful of her own chocolate, and sat on the wooden bench which allowed her a panoramic view of the mountains and the town. They had been skiing on the nursery slopes all morning, doing beginner exercises, until he were sure she was up to anything more.

“So how are you feeling?” Andy asked.

Roz wiggled her hands. Apart from the livid bruising on her wrists, they were back to normal. “Good. I think I'm ready for something a bit more challenging.”

His eyes lit up. Typical Andy, no matter how carefully he skied with her, he loved speed. “How about we get the Klein-Matterhorn lift?”

She shuddered at the thought of getting back onto that lift.

“And ski down the mountain to Cervinia for some real Italian pizza for lunch?”

That stopped her. “Real Italian?”

“Sure. You can ski from the Klein-Matterhorn into Cervinia in Italy. It's all on the same ski pass. Ski there for the afternoon in the sun, and get a cable car back up and ski home.”

“That sounds like fun.” She sipped her hot chocolate, enjoying its warmth in the cool air. She couldn't resist licking the blob of cream off Andy's nose, and he kissed her soundly.

She was slightly breathless when she sat back down again, and he had a predatory gleam in his eyes. “So have you any idea what happened to the painting?” She asked to distract him.

He shrugged. “Not a one. But they'll find it. The police are searching everyone before they let them leave Zermatt. Even the heliport has been closed down.”

“I suppose. But I can't understand why Gorev was so convinced I had it.” There was something nagging her. “He knew Frida had stolen it. Why were they after me?”

“Maybe your reputation preceded you?” Andy stood up and stretched, the movement displaying his lithe strength in a way that dried her mouth. God, he was magnificent.

“Come on; time to ski if we’re going to be in Italy in time for lunch.”

He fastened his jacket and then did the same for her. She was perfectly capable of zipping up her own jacket, but enjoyed having him fuss over her. Especially when he kissed her as he did it.

Roz was considering the prospect of sex in the snow when he pulled her helmet onto her head and stood back. He stepped into his skis and watched critically while she did the same. He handed her a pair of ski poles. “You can have these back, it's steep at the top of the run. You’ll need them.”

Roz took them and moved off. Then she stopped. Something was wrong. “These aren’t my poles.”

“Of course they are.”

She shook her head. “These ones are longer and heavier than mine.”

“You've been using them for the last couple of days.”

She examined the poles. They were black like hers, but at least 10cm longer, and a lot heavier. She hadn't really noticed when she was slogging on foot through fresh snow, but on the groomed pistes of the Schwartzsee, the difference was impossible to miss.

“They're not mine. I must have picked up someone else's poles.”

She shook them. “They're unbalanced too. One is heavier than the other.”

“I wonder if they’re the kind that you can fill with alcohol. Let me have a look at them.” Andy took them from her.

He examined the heavier one, and the top of the pole popped off. He sniffed. “Damn it, no booze.”

He turned it up, and something slid out. It was a tightly rolled piece of cloth.

“Oh god!” Roz knew exactly what it was. With shaking hands, she unrolled it, and saw a vase of scarlet poppies, mesmerising in their beauty. “I did have it all the time.”

“Your poles must have gotten mixed up in the avalanche. Or at the hospital.” Andy stared at the million dollar painting. She could see him working it out.

“Frida admitted stealing the painting. They must have been planning to ski into Cervina with it and get away through Italy, but their courier got caught in the avalanche.”

Roz concentrated, trying to remember the accident. “I thought he was a photographer. He was taking photos of the mountain.”

“Or using a telephoto lens to check for pursuit.”

Duh! So obvious when he pointed it out.

She looked at him through her eyelashes, in a way she knew he couldn't resist. “Andy, could we keep it? No one knows that we’ve found it and it would look amazing over the fireplace in Lough Darra.”

He snorted. “Your criminal background is showing. You know we have to give it back.”

She sighed. It has been worth a try. “Oh, very well. But let’s wait until tomorrow. First, I want the most expensive pizza on the menu. And champagne. And a night to remember.”

He grinned, a sensual promise that make her breath catch. “Whatever my lady desires.”

He kissed her. “Now, let's ski.”

“Together.” And she kissed him back.






You can read more about Andy and Roz in
The Pleasures of Spring

Available now in paperback and e-book


About Evie Hunter

Evie Hunter is actually two authors, Caroline McCall and Eileen Gormley, who met at a creative writing workshop in Dublin in 2010. Eileen adores Regency romance while Caroline loves to write sexy sci-fi and paranormal stories.

On discovering that they shared a secret passion for erotic fiction and had scarily similar taste in books, they became the best of friends. Caroline’s compulsive fondness for cleaning and her serious addiction to chocolate is countered by Eileen’s hatred of all sweet things and her ability to write almost anywhere there is room for her laptop

Together, they got a chance to co-write a series of erotic novellas for an American publisher. When they completed the second one without killing each other, they decided to take on something bigger.

In 2012, they abandoned their families and locked themselves into a haunted house for the summer to write
The Pleasures of Winter
. Eventually, they emerged into daylight, saying 'Never again'.

Thankfully, it didn’t last for long.
The Pleasures of Summer
was released in May 2013 and
The Pleasures of Autumn
followed in October 2013.



The Pleasures of Spring
is out now…


Roz Spring is an actress and a chameleon, the kind of woman who always lands on her feet. But even she can't talk her way out of witnessing a murder. Roz must go into hiding before the murderer comes for her.

Andy McTavish has turned his back on a life of privilege to prove himself in the world of international security. Tall, dark and dangerous, Andy is the ultimate seducer and he’s never met a woman who can tame him.

Roz needs his protection and, to get his family off his back, Andy needs a fake fiancée. The solution is obvious. Getting up close and personal won't be hard, as the chemistry between them is electrifying. But as two practiced charmers drive each other beyond the limits of sensual endurance, they find their usual defences are no good. When the barriers come crashing down, a raw passion emerges that neither wants to admit.

They know that when the murderer shows his hand, they will face a fight for life and freedom. And if they survive, what will happen when the need to pretend is over?



Evie loves Pinterest!

If you’ve ever wanted to know what images the author sees when she is writing or the pictures and places that inspire her, have a look at Evie’s Pinterest pages. There is a Pinterest Board for each of Evie’s books.


Reader Advisory: don’t open this in the office!


Evie would like to thank

The covers for Evie Hunter’s ‘Touch’ series are designed by Claire Chilton.


We’d also like to thank our editors Patricia Deevy and Davina Russell and the team at Penguin Ireland. Our special thanks to website designer and IT support guy Seoirse MacGabhann and the wonderful Catherine Ryan Howard for publicity


Tell us what you think!

If you enjoyed
A Touch of Spring
, you can read more about Andy and Roz in
The Pleasures of Spring
. Evie loves to hear from her readers. You can contact the author directly at

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or follow the authors on Twitter



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