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Authors: Ethan Radcliff

A Man of Honor (11 page)

BOOK: A Man of Honor
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Chapter Twenty-One


Shauna looked at the neatly folded note in her hand. The beautiful brunette with Ahbeeb handed it to her in the dressing room.

“Look, I’m with him of my own free will. He’s paying me a fortune to be with him, and I get all the jewels and clothing I want. The other three women with him are there just like me.

Recently, he’d become obsessed. The two new girls, nineteen years old each, they’re not with him because they want to be. I think he bought them. He certainly has enough money. Only one girl socialized with the rest of his women, but she managed to tell me she was kidnapped from her hometown in Georgia.

She was upset at first, but realized she can live a better life here than she’d ever live in Georgia, but the other girl was suicidal. She was kidnapped off the grounds of her college in Florida. The kid had a good life and is worried her parents are looking for her. She wants to go home. The kidnappers had her drugged until he bought her.”

Shauna had stood there surprised and in utter shock. “What can I do?” she asked.

“Get word to the proper authorities. This man is a criminal. He has a younger brother who disapproves of what he’s doing. But his mother condones his behavior.”

“I saw the man you’re with is a law man. Please help her. Here,” she said, handing her the note.

Shauna now opened it up:

My name is Nancy Sheridan, and I’m from Florida. Please see if you can get in touch with my mother and father and tell them I’m okay. I’ve been kidnapped and sold to the highest bidder in a slave-like market. I never believed things like this could happen. Please help me.”

Shauna crumpled the piece of paper in her hand. “Dominic needs to know about this. He can help this kid. God, to think …”

“What do you think, Shauna?”

Shauna turned to the voice of Ahbeeb. “Oh, well …” He came to her and took the crumbled note from her. “Ah, I see. Poor girl, she’s delusional. She is with me of her own free will. I think she is homesick. As soon as I can, she can visit with her parents. I keep no one prisoner.”

“I didn’t think so,” she said, trying to act as cool as possible.

“Shauna, Shauna, you are so beautiful. Such flaming red hair and amazing skin. I would make you so happy. I’d make you my head concubine in my harem. You would have the run of my empire.” He now had her chin in the palm of his hand.

“Ahbeeb, you honor me, but I have my shop and a great man. I don’t care to leave this country.”

He leaned closer to her, sniffing her, taking in her scent. “I promise that you won’t be disappointed.”

She already was. He wasn’t the person she though he was. God, he was a monster.

“I’ll give you time to think about my offer. Remember, I do not want anyone with me who does not want to be with me.”

He gave her a broad smile then licked his lips. She could only smile back. She was nauseous and, for the first time in a long time, frightened. Why did Dominic have to be on an assignment now? She tried not to show her fear.

After he left, she locked the doors to the shop. She went back into the dressing room to look for the note. It was gone; he took it. She sat down in the chair she had in there and began to shake. She heard music and realized it was her cell phone ringing. “Dominic,” she blurted and ran from the room.

When she picked it up, it was Ahbeeb’s number showing on the screen. She answered it. “Yes?”

“I will be by on Friday, about eight p.m. I want to introduce you to some clients. This too will bring you some big buyers. I have told them so much about you, Shauna. They are anxious to meet you.”

“Thank you, Ahbeeb. That would be lovely. But Dominic will be done with his assignment, and I miss him. I will be his first stop. He’ll be coming to get me and take me home.”

There was dead silence on the other end of the phone line. Then she heard breathing. “Then perhaps another time?”

“Yes, that would be wonderful. If Dominic wasn’t coming home … yes, another time.” She added.

Chapter Twenty-Two


His entire career, first with the NYPD and now the Federal Government, he had never asked for a favor or rocked the boat. He was going to ask for one now. He needed another deputy there taking his place before tomorrow. He had to get to Shauna.

Dead men don’t lie. That’s what he considered Nicholas Abuto, because the first chance his evil brotherhood got, he was a dead man. So when he told him about the Arab, Dominic needed no further pictures drawn for him. He grabbed his phone, “In all the years you’ve known me, have I ever asked for anything?

“What’s wrong?” his inspector said.

“It could be nothing, but I need to get to my girlfriend. I do believe she’s in danger,” he said.

“Okay. I’ll come myself and let you leave. I haven’t babysat one of those assholes in a long time. You go take care of her.”

Dominic was grateful. He’d get Shauna home and into his bed. Then he’d search out that bastard Ahbeeb.

“Dom, what sort of danger? Can we help?”

“I’m not sure, and I could be overreacting, but our little friend here knows a lot more than we gave him credit for. Question him further. I’ve left notes for you, Inspector.”

“Okay. I’ll be there in twenty minutes. You know the rules.”

“Yes, Inspector, I’ll wait,” Dominic said, relieved he’d be able to call her and make sure she knew he was on the way.

He went to the window and peeked through the drapes. It was sunny and dry. He figured it would be about the same in New York. He’d never panicked before on this job. He’d always been able to stay cool. Now he had an Achilles heel, Shauna. Fuck. She’d better be safe. He leaned against the wall. If she was in trouble, she’d better keep her wisecracking ass in line. These guys were bad news.

But she was feisty. He prayed she’d just play it cool if they got the better of her.


Shauna very seldom gave into drama. She raised a hand and saw how it slightly trembled. She grabbed her bag, took out her phone. She decided to call a cab and leave her car behind. She knew Dominic would think that a smart move. She bit her lip. What if they were waiting for her out back? What would she do if Ahbeeb had decided to abduct her? Why had that brunette given her the note? Dominic. She asked if he could help. How the hell did she even get mixed up with a character like Ahbeeb?

He’d seemed nice enough at the fashion show she met him at. That was a few months ago. He began calling and showing up, buying designer clothing through her. He was pleased with the designers she recommended and the outfits she picked out. She’d made a lot of money since he’d come into the picture. Other customers took note, and her business began to take off. One conversation stood out in her brain even though she had passed it off at the time. It was in reference to her red hair and independent nature.

“Shauna, is it true about red heads? Are they truly independent souls, wild in bed, and faithful to a fault?” he had asked.

“Ahbeeb, I’d like to think so. Perhaps you can ask Dominic. He would be the one who could tell you more.”

“Perhaps the part about being wild in bed, eh, Shauna?” She had watched his face. It lit up but in a rather evil way, especially the glint in his eyes. He gave her the creeps, but again she pushed her feelings aside.

“I’d tread carefully there with Dominic. You see, we’re exploring a new lifestyle, and he’s extremely possessive.”

“Ah, I see. Then I shall bow out gracefully,” he said. But she could see the small twitch on the side of his mouth. That small gesture indicated he was vexed.

She snapped her mind back to the present, checking all the windows in her shop to make sure they were locked, as well as the back door, and then took a deep breath. She rang up a cab and now heard it’s horn. Yes, she couldn’t wait to be home.  Then she’d relax, waiting for Dominic to get back from his assignment.

She grabbed her purse and light jacket as she walked to the front door of her shop. She was elated and almost relieved that the cab was waiting. She noted how dark it was already as she turned the key in the lock. She turned and caught her breath. That was no cab idling before her. Not unless the company started driving black, smoked windowed SUV’s. Fuck! The back door opened.

“Need a ride?” Ahbeeb said.

Her first inclination was to drop everything and run, but that SUV would be on her in seconds. She had to be cool.

“Where’s my cab?” she said coolly.

“Oh, was that for you? I paid him, and might I add, very well indeed, and told him I’d be here to drive you.”

“How nice, but to tell you the truth I’m off the clock. I’m not talking business right now. Weren’t you supposed to be in L.A.?”

“Yes, amazing what owning a private jet gives you the ability to do,” he said, giving her a sinister grin. “Please, Shauna, I’d be more than happy to take you home.”

Of course he owned a private jet, the guy was a billionaire. Her ass was grass. She couldn’t get into that SUV with him. She’d never see the light of day once she did. Shauna grasped her Coach bag tightly. He was abducting her, she was sure of that. She’d never see Dominic again, or the United States of America. She held back the tears, but the fear was clearly etched on her face.

“Come on, Shauna. Don’t make me have to use a little force. I don’t want to do that. I promise you’ll want for nothing, and you may even learn to love me.”

Her eyes opened wide, along with her ears. The son of a bitch spoke perfect English without any Indian accent. “You’re kidding, right?” she spat at him. “I’m not going anywhere with you. Fuck you!”

The driver’s side door opened and a huge dark skinned man in a black chauffeur’s uniform got out. “Come on, little girl, I don’t want to hurt you,” he said, cracking his knuckles under the black leather gloves he wore. Ahbeeb followed the driver’s example and was out of the SUV.

“Come on, Shauna, nobody wants to hurt you. Far from it, my beauty,” he said in a menacing whisper.

‘Dominic, please!’ her mind screamed. Oh, God, please let him find me.

She was defeated, and she knew it. Holding back tears, she took Ahbeeb’s hand and got into the SUV.  She slid across the plush leather seat and went as far to the other side as she could. Draped over her arm was her coat concealing her hand, which still held her phone. She never had time to put it on. If she could only ring Dominic’s number. That may give him enough to go on to find her. It was a long shot, but one she had to take. After calling the cab, she’d text him one word,
She’d done it on an impulse. The last number she called was his so it would still be up on the face of her phone. She tapped the screen and used her other hand to slide it quickly into the side of the seat and the door. Now she had to pray it didn’t vibrate.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Dominic drove like a bat of hell through the city streets. How he managed to get through the lanes even amazed him. She texted him one word,
He knew her well enough to know she was no drama queen. Why hadn’t she finished the text? There had to be a reason. Had she come upon similar information concerning the Arab fuck? Before he left, he entered her cell phone number in his computer’s tracking program. She was on the move.

He expected her to be on the way home, but the route that came up on the screen wasn’t the way to her home. So he headed for her location, and then he called it in. He wasn’t a U. S. Marshal for as long as he was without good solid instincts.

He’d sent his inspector all he’d learned about Ahbeeb and what he’d put together from Abuto. Now there was no doubt in his mind that Shauna was more than likely his next target. The bastard was bold enough to try.

His phone rang. He answered, hitting the button on his steering wheel. “Yes.”

“Dominic, I don’t know how you hit on this shit, but he’s wanted all right. FBI and Home Land Security, even the DEA. He’s got warrants from other countries and asylum from a few third world countries. The Saudi’s are just now looking into Ahbeeb. He’s not an Arab, but he may be from India. No one is sure; it could take years because his identities are so well buried.”

“Fuck,” Dominic yelled and hit the steering wheel. “That means we have to get her before he gets out of the country. And you know he has a private jet waiting.”

“We’re on it. No private planes leaving the tarmac until we find him. It’s a statewide lockdown.”

Dominic waited and watched the screen of his laptop. He had her, at least he hoped he did. He had no choice but to follow the signal from her phone. He was close, almost on top of them, when he saw the two black SUV’s.

“I’ve got them, Inspector.

He’d lost the black SUV’s several times but by the grace of God, he found them again and again. Somewhere inside one of the two SUV’s was Shauna.

His Inspector spoke again. “He fucked up. They abducted a pretty little twenty year old who just happens to be a senator’s daughter.

This bastard is like Houdini, a hard perpetrator to deal with. Espionage, not our forte, but it did fall into your hands by accident. This is an international lowlife, who’s gotten himself involved in a dirty little business; human slave trading. His little constituents went too far in abducting a senator’s daughter. Shit can fly around fast, and the shit that’s flying around this senator had organized crime written all over it.”

“Christ, he is a nasty little guy. I wonder if he singled Shauna out from the beginning because of her looks.”

“More than likely. From what I understand, one of these rich foreign bastards puts in an order for the type of woman they are looking for. For most, money is no object and neither is the country that they abduct the female from. A very nasty business. I hear they’ll abduct young men also, it all depends on the taste of the client.”

Did this piece of shit really think he could get away with abducting a thirty year old American woman? Did he want a natural redhead that badly? Shauna was definitely the wrong pick. He actually felt sorry for Ahbeeb. This was going to be interesting once they caught up to those SUV’s.

“Follow them. We have the SUV’s now in sight. I do believe they’re on their way to a small private airport. We have it, and they’ll never leave the tarmac, perhaps even alive,” said his inspector.

“Shauna,” was all Dominic said.

“Just follow the SUV’s. Don’t lose them. You know how to do it. I don’t have to tell you a thing. This will end shortly. By the way, she’s a pretty sharp cookie. That phone deal saved her life and perhaps many others. The best tracking device around,” his inspector said.

Dominic couldn’t breathe. His hands gripped the steering wheel so tight his knuckles were white. “She’s one of a kind and brilliant,” added Dominic.

The turn of events was mind-boggling. He’d just left a witness he was protecting to follow an international criminal.

He listened. He followed orders. He stayed behind the SUV’s. It took all his will power to do so. His eyes focused on the small sign that read Trenton Private Airport. It would all go down soon. All he could think of was Shauna and making sure, she was safe.

He had stayed behind the SUV. He did see other cars with deputies driving, but as they got closer to the airport they thinned out, not wanting the two SUV’s to realize they had been tailed. He had his high-powered surveillance camera with him; he’d be able to see everything that transpired on the tarmac, so he pulled down a side street and parked. He went to the trunk of his car and opened a large suitcase. He check for ammo and attached his radio then took out the camera. He was anxious and needed to keep an eye on what was going on.

Dominic tested the camera then began walking. He needed to be closer. He removed his suit jacket and loosened his tie. He wouldn’t attract much attention that way.  He reached a house with high hedges and planted himself there. He tested the camera, making sure he had good coverage. He kept watching as the two SUV’s pulled into the airport. Three men came to meet them, and Dominic recognized one. He strained his eyes and adjusted the camera a few times, but he was sure it was Trey, her brother’s boyfriend.

“What the fuck?” Dominic spat. There it was, that c
an’t put your finger on it, there’s something weird about this guy.
“Son of a bitch,” he mumbled. “You little shit.”

The SUV’s door opened and out came Ahbeeb and then a flash of red hair. It was Shauna. She was wild, hitting him, trying to run, but one big black guy grabbed her by the neck.

“Shit, Shauna, fucking calm down.” Dominic whispered, trying hard to stay put. His gut was telling him to run, get over there help her, but he’d just get her and himself killed. He’d wait it out, let the law do their job. His phone rang.

“Do you see them?” his inspector asked.


“Who’s the other guy? Never seen him before.”

“That happens to be her brother’s gay boyfriend. Funny, he bothered me all night, had a feeling …”

“His name?” asked his Inspector.

“Trey Daniels,” Dominic informed him. “But now I wonder if that’s his real name.”

“We’re running him now. We got a great photo of him just now and−bingo. His real name is Thomas Anzio, he’s thirty-one years old, he has a number of aliases, and he’s proud to say he’s gay. Her brother Clarke, clean as a whistle, but this guy Trey, as he calls himself, is one con man. He’s been arrested a number of times conning old queens out of thousands. He has a few restraining orders against him and a number of parking violations. All and all I’d say he’s an upstanding citizen.”

“Okay, we have sight of Trey, Ahbeeb, his two bodyguards, and Shauna. Using your high-powered camera? If so, you can see that your girlfriend is tied up and restrained. We’re going in. You stay where you are. You’re too close to all this. It’s for your sake and hers.”

Dominic heard him. “Yeah, right,” he said aloud and began walking to the small airport. He checked his gun in his holster and made sure his radio was on.

He kept the camera on one eye, as he got closer. There was obviously a conversation going on between the two. He watched as Shauna spit at Trey. He smacked her across the face, causing Ahbeeb to push him down on the tarmac. One of the two large chauffeurs kicked Trey while he was down, and the other one began to drag him toward a bunker.

Dominic sped up his pace. He then saw Ahbeeb take Shauna into his arms, and he could see her struggling. He pulled a knife from his pants and held it to her throat. She stopped struggling.  At least she was using her damn head, Dominic thought.

Ahbeeb was now with one of the two obvious bodyguards and headed toward the private jet. Trey came running from the bunker. There was no doubt he was frantic. The big dark skinned chauffeur went running after him, but the other tackled Trey. Both bodyguards began pounding the downed man unmercifully.

Ahbeeb must have lost his grip on Shauna; she broke free and scratched him in the face. He dropped the knife, and she scrambled on the ground, trying to grab it. Dominic began running, threw the camera, and grabbed his gun.


“Bitch!” yelled Ahbeeb as he grabbed his face. “You fucking bitch!”

“Kill that fucking fag, and get that God damn bitch!” he yelled to his bodyguards.

Shauna tried to get up, but the large black skinned guard was on her in a flash. He picked her up off the ground.

“Be still, little lady. He’s an evil shit. Just stay still.” He ordered her.

“Fuck you,” she said, trying desperately to get free. She managed to scratch him down the side of his face, causing him to lose his grip on her. As she went down his booted foot caught her hard in the stomach, taking the wind out of her. Everything went black.

“Get her on that damn plane and get rid of that piece of shit. What I needed him for is over. I doubt anyone will miss him.”

Shauna opened her eyes and managed to take a deep breath. She began to realize she was fucked. Getting free was useless. That was never going to happen. She rolled to her side and began to cry. A hand came to her shoulder.

“Come on, it will go easier if you don’t fight. I don’t want to hurt you, but it’s my job to make sure you get on that plane,” said the bodyguard.

She let him help her stand. He helped her brush the dirt off her, and that’s when she heard Trey’s screams. She couldn’t make out what he was saying, but there was no mistaking the two gunshots that followed, and then the silence afterward. They’d killed him. Ahbeeb walked out of the bunker, brushing what appeared to be dust off of him and straightening his clothes.

Shauna saw red. She tried hard to compose herself. For the first time she realized it was hopeless to fight. But didn't she want to live under his control for the rest of her life. She’d always want out; he’d have to keep her like a prisoner. She decided she was better off dead. She couldn’t face a future without love, and that love centered on Dominic. She made her decision. She went for the guard’s gun. She was unsuccessful as he swiped hard and pushed her into Ahbeeb’s arms. He in turn grabbed her by the hair, pulled out a small derringer, and held it to her head.

Then all hell broke loose. Like ants converging on a crumb of bread, FBI agents, cops, deputies, and DEA agents swarmed the tarmac, overcoming Ahbeeb and his henchmen. Three ambulances sped onto the blacktop, and Dominic was a few feet away from the melee.

There was visible shock on Ahbeeb’s face as he held Shauna before him with the derringer to her head.

“Come any closer, and I kill her! You hear me, assholes?” Ahbeeb screamed. “Stay right where you are, all of you. We’re getting on that plane.” He yelled across the tarmac.

“Fuck that shit,” Dominic said, standing in front of the line that had formed between Ahbeeb and the plane.

“God damn it, deputy, get back. You know better than this.” The anger seethed inside him, but Williams was right. He’d get her killed. He pulled in all his emotions and stood with the rest as he watched him pull Shauna toward the plane. High up in the control tower were sharpshooters ready to take Ahbeeb down. He knew it. So he kept her as close to his head as possible.

The sound of a bullet never pierced the air as the back of Ahbeeb’s head blew apart. Down went his body on top of Shauna’s. Her screams filled the air.

Dominic looked up and then ran. Both bodyguards had their hands in the air and moved away from Shauna, clearing the way for Dominic. When he got to her, he rolled the corpse off her and grabbed her, helping her to her feet.

“Baby,” he whispered.

“You came,” she cried.

“You thought I wouldn’t? And what do I find but you bound and ready. Baby, I told you that I was the only man who was going to play this way with you.”

“Dominic,” she sobbed.

Medics then surrounded him, but he wouldn’t let go of her. As he held her, he managed to get hers hands untied, and she wrapped them around his neck. “Dominic, this is so fucked up. Trey, that little bastard. He’s the one that sent Ahbeeb to my shop. He’s in debt, huge debt, and I’m not sure my brother knows. My brother never gave him a partnership, but I know he was pushing. My name is on that restaurant. By getting rid of me and taking advantage of my brother as he was mourning me, he figured he’d talk Clarke into putting his name on that business. Ahbeeb told me everything, trying to convince me that my life with him would be far better than with you.” She broke down and cried hysterically.

Dominic picked her up into his arms and carried her over to one of the ambulances. When he put her down on a stretcher one of the EMT’s shook his head then nodded to Dominic to turn around. Rolling out of the hanger where Trey had been dragged was a stretcher and a closed body bag.

“It looks like Trey won’t be bothering anyone anymore,” he said to Shauna.

She stopped crying, used a hand towel to wipe her eyes, and watched the stretcher with Trey’s body loaded into the ambulance next to hers. She clasped the towel to her chest, raised her head, and looked ahead. She watched them zip up another body bag, the one with Ahbeeb’s body in it.

She looked to Dominic. “The plan all along was to kill Trey. They weren’t going to let him live. He was what they called collateral damage. He could tie everything to Ahbeeb, and that’s what he couldn’t allow.”

BOOK: A Man of Honor
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